Military mother looking to make big changes in North Carolina

Sandy Smith hopes to flip the 2nd Congressional District in North Carolina from blue to red. A battle-tested candidate, Smith ran in 2020 for the Tar Heel State’s 1st Congressional District, narrowly losing to incumbent G.K. Butterfield. As a candidate, she is pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-military and describes herself as “America First.” She “made history by swinging her district 25 points towards Republicans in 2020.” Now, she hopes to finish the job in 2022. 

“I’m a firm believer if you want something done, you have to be willing to step up and do it yourself,” Smith told me when I asked what motivated her to run.

“I, like many Americans, am tired of the do-nothing politicians whose only focus is their own self-serving needs. I’m sick and tired of these weak, ‘weather vane’ Republicans that when someone looks at them the wrong way and says something mean, they turn tail and run. We don’t need any more jellyfish Republicans,” Smith said. “We need strong, ‘America First’ fighters who will stand up for what’s right, and I’m that fighter.” 

Smith has positioned herself as the anti-establishment candidate in North Carolina. I read that she had years of experience in the private sector, and I was curious what made her leap from business to politics. She delivered a passionate answer that should resonate with many people, especially small business owners.

“I’m a business owner, and I have seen what government overreach does to small businesses,” Smith told me. “We need someone in D.C. that understands firsthand the struggles of Americans and is going to stand up and fight for them.” 

Smith has noticed the problems our country has faced since Biden was inaugurated. She identified inflation as one of the main concerns in the country. Smith also addressed the culture war Democrats are waging that will do irreparable harm. 

She listed critical race theory as a major concern. Smith believes parents should have a significant role in their children’s education. She also stated that she is a firm believer in the 2nd Amendment and identified the border crisis as a major problem facing the country and her constituents in North Carolina. 

“I’m not a career politician, nor am I politically correct, and that’s OK. I’m a straight shooter and call things like I see them. I’m often referred to as the hardest-working lady in North Carolina politics because I don’t quit or give up,” Smith said. “My strong work ethic is what sets me apart, as I get things done!” 

Moreover, I asked her what separates her from the other Republicans running in the primary. I knew she was a military mother, but I wanted to learn more about the issues she cares about. 

“I’m the only real ‘America First’ fighter and not a member of the good old boys club running in this race. I’m a true conservative that believes in real conservative values,” Smith said. 

“The rapidly rising inflation is a major problem in our country today. Rising food and gas prices have put a huge strain on the American family. We also have huge supply chain issues that are leaving us with empty shelves,” Smith said. “Our open border is just an open invitation for criminals, drug cartels, and terrorists to come in and threaten our communities. We need to close our southern border and protect innocent, law-abiding Americans.”

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