Sandy Smith Response to the Despicable Lies from the DCCC and Don Davis about Sandy’s Family

Sandy Smith Response to the Despicable Lies from the DCCC and Don Davis about Sandy’s Family

It’s absolutely disgusting that my radical-left do-nothing opponent and the Pelosi-run DCCC are so desperate to peddle fake misinformation of abuse from over a decade ago knowing it is totally false just so they can try and hurt me and my family.  What the desperate liars won’t tell you is this legal document was filed under duress using false information and was dismissed 5 days later by the judge at the request of my daughter.  My daughter and I have a strong relationship and talk or see each other almost every day.  I’m so proud to be her mom and protecting her is still my top priority.

When hearing of these false allegations, my daughter responded, “I love my mom and she is my best friend and the one person in this world I can always count on to have my back and protect me. My mom is NOT a domestic abuser, she is a survivor and a protector.  She moved our family to get away and protect us from my ex-stepfather who was physically abusive.  It is only now as an adult I realize everything she did to protect me and I thank God every day that she didn’t give up on me.” 

It is so clear that Pelosi and her henchmen are panicking as they know they are losing this race, will lose control of the House and their radical policies are taking our country and North Carolina down the wrong track.

This is the same fake attack they tried in the primary that failed.  The voters didn’t believe it then and they certainly don’t believe it now.

Using a child who does not want to be in the public eye is despicable and disgusting. I call on Don Davis and the DCCC to withdraw their desperate ads NOW.

Previous Statement Released May 27 2022:

My Official Statement on the Smears Being Spread by the Soros Media

My statements have been clear about the false allegations. It’s sad that the current political process allows for smears that truly hurt families with such hateful mistruths. My children and I are domestic violence survivors and not the other way around. We were awarded a domestic violence protection order by the court. Not only was the DV protection order issued it was renewed a year later. My daughter had some teenage drama that was actually a cry for help from the abuse she endured at the hands of her ex-stepfather a few years earlier.  My daughter and I still have a strong relationship and talk or see each other almost every day. It is shameful that media outlets are dragging my daughter into stories. Judges don’t give custody and domestic violence protection orders to abusers.  They give them to survivors.