Sandy Smith: Abortion Mills Will “Never Atone” For Murdering Babies; Praises Supreme Court Overturning Roe

We will never be able to atone for the stain of abortion on this nation, but overturning Roe was a step in the right direction. Saving the lives of the unborn definitely contrasts me with Don Davis, who wants abortion on demand.
– Sandy Smith

JACKSONVILLE, N.C. (WITN) – The Supreme Court ruling Friday drew a hard line in the sand on the topic of abortion. Some felt the decision was a step backward; others felt the decision was a step in the right direction.

“We’re losing a viable option for a lot of survivors,” said Onslow Women’s Center associate director Melissa Radomicki.

Radomicki explained overturning Roe V. Wade poses a threat for many of their clients who suffer from domestic abuse or sexual assault.

“We see all the time abusers that continually back to back to back if their partners pregnant so they can’t work so they can’t leave them and this decision will kind of further the use of reproductive control, said Radomicki.

Radomicki explained for many women who are victims of domestic assault, pregnancy is often a trigger of the abuse.

“Abuse increases significantly when a pregnancy is introduced into a relationship and with that increase of abuse the risk of homicide also increases,” she said.

While some are disappointed in the ruling, others like North Carolina Republican Congressional candidate Sandy Smith are excited about the news.

“We just need to remember baby lives matter and overturning of Roe versus Wade is a huge step in the right direction for our country. We have murdered millions of babies in this country and our nation will never atone for that,” said Smith.

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