I believe that life begins at conception. As your Congresswoman, I will fight every day to protect and defend the sanctity of life, including the unborn.
As our founders declared, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. I am a proud gun owner with a North Carolina concealed carry permit. I believe that the right to self-defense is a basic human right, and will work tirelessly to defend our 2nd Amendment rights.
Governance by the people depends on our elections. We must restore confidence by making voter ID mandatory. Eliminate all universal mail in ballots, and limit absentee ballots to active military members deployed or stationed overseas and senior citizens. Require annual cleaning and auditing of our voter rolls. Eliminate extended voting periods and require all absentee votes be received the day before the election.
We need to stop the Democrat lawlessness and secure our country. I support President Trump’s Border Wall and strong border security policy. We need to finish the wall, end chain migration, and fix the crisis on the southern border.
Energy independence is critical to safeguarding our national security. Closing the Keystone pipeline killed thousands of good paying jobs and weakened the United States of America’s energy standing in the world. Socialist dreams like the “Green New Deal” will put America Last.
All Americans deserve to live in a community that is safe and secure. No American should ever have to wonder if the police will come when they need help. As Americans, we must reject the anti-Police rhetoric of the radical left. Calling to defunding the police is reckless and dangerous. I stand with our law enforcement, and support all of our men and women in blue.
You have my commitment to pursue fiscally-responsible budgetary policy. America cannot continue its path of uncontrolled taxing and spending. I believe that deep budget and tax cuts are required to bring America back to fiscal sanity.
I support School Choice as every child should have the opportunity to have a quality education and it shouldn’t be based on their zip code or their family’s financial situation. Parents should be the ultimate decision maker when it comes to their child’s education not the government.
I will stand up and protect our Constitution as it is written and not how the Left feels it should be written. I will stand up for free speech, our liberties and push back on radical Left’s “Cancel Culture”.
I believe we should allow all businesses to open. The current government overreach has done nothing but kill thousands of small business and jobs. We need to allow all businesses the opportunity to succeed, especially small businesses as they are the lifeblood of America.
Healthcare must be focused on the patient, and based on a free and open market. I strongly support efforts to open up competition across state lines, which will lower healthcare costs for North Carolinians and encourage new providers to open in our small towns.
I proudly support medical freedom. No more mandates, period. Your healthcare choices are for you and your doctor to make, not the government.
We must always stand up and fight for our men and women who put on a uniform and protect our freedoms and defend our nation. We have to support our military service members, on and off the battlefield. Our veterans deserve the very best in care and I will fight tirelessly for them.