New Revelation: Democrat Nominee Don Davis Grossly Mismanaged Government Funds as Mayor of Snow Hill, NC

National File has learned that the Democrat nominee for Congress in North Carolina’s battleground 1st District, Don Davis, grossly mismanaged government funds as the Mayor of Snow Hill, NC. Davis spent years not bothering to comply with state audit deadlines and overspent government funds by hundreds of thousands of dollars.

During his years as the Mayor of Snow Hill, North Carolina, 2022 Democrat congressional nominee Don Davis ignored financial disclosure and government audit deadlines repeatedly. According to documents obtained by National File from his time as Mayor, Davis failed to get the town’s pertinent information to state authorities year after year, as required.

And he didn’t just miss the financial deadlines by days or weeks, but by months, and sometimes even years.

Information revealed in letters sent to Davis by state government finance authorities may shed light on why the then-Mayor of Snow Hill was seemingly so reluctant to comply with their requests.

In a letter from North Carolina’s State Treasurer dated January 27, 2006, Davis’s Town of Snow Hill government was chastised for not submitting their mandatory financial audit information until “well after” the October 31, 2005, deadline.

Additionally, the Treasurer noted serious signs of “financial weakness” in the town government. This issue was particularly related to the town’s water and sewer funds, which became a trend in the letters sent to Davis and Snow Hill over the course of his time as mayor.

“Sewer operations were over expended by $49,582,” the state reported to then-Mayor Don Davis.

In 2008, Davis was again scolded by state authorities over his financial mismanagement of the Town of Snow Hill.

“The town’s audited financial statements were not received by our office until March 3, 2008, well after the due date of October 31, 2007,” reads the Treasurer’s letter, before again addressing major financial issues with Snow Hill’s water and sewer funds.

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