America First P.A.C.T. Endorses Sandy Smith

From America First P.A.C.T.:

The America First P.A.C.T. is proud to endorse Sandy Smith for U.S. Congress.

Our nation needs fighters like Sandy, willing to stand against the swamp while standing up for our great nation’s constitution and traditions.

Sandy knows her district and appreciates the unprecedented battles we face under the left’s assault on our basic constitutional rights.

It’s never been more important that we send representatives to congress willing to stand for parent’s rights, energy independence, free speech, boarder security and government accountability.

Genuine, proven, and dedicated, Sandy’s AMFP endorsement aligns her with America First candidates from across the nation, ready and committed to working with Sandy once elected by the great people of North Carolina’s st Congressional District.

Send a message to Washington D.C, it’s time to drain the swamp, it’s time to send fighters like Sandy Smith to U.S. Congress

Corey Gibson (Founder, America First P.A.C.T.)