From Gun Owners of America:
Gun Owners of America is proud to endorse Sandy Smith for Congress in North Carolina’s 1st Congressional District.
Her next election is on November 8th, and she needs your help.

Sandy Smith will be a true representative of the people in Washington. She is just the kind of principled, pro-Second Amendment person we need.
GOA doesn’t give out endorsements to just anyone. Smith earned GOA’s endorsement because she pledged to oppose any new gun control laws and will work to roll back unconstitutional gun laws already on the books. She believes with the Founding Fathers that the Second Amendment is a safeguard of freedom and liberty and it “shall not be infringed.”
The radical anti-gunners in Washington D.C. hate leaders like Sandy Smith in Congress. They have and will target her as they do every candidate who believes in the Constitution and personal freedom. So show her we have her back by volunteering or donating to her campaign. But most important of all, show up to vote in November’s election on the 8th!
GOA encourages all gun owners and sportsmen to stand with Sandy Smith for North Carolina’s 1st Congressional District on November 8th, 2022.
In Liberty,
Tim Macy
Gun Owners of America